Some Days

Some days I am Tigger. Bouncing around with a spring in every step.

Energised, elated, I am a superwoman.

Anything is possible.

Happiness and laughter overflow, illuminating those around me. My heart sings with every smile.

The world is glowing.

I am light.

Some days I am Eeyore. There is a black cloud over my head and heart.

I feel hopelessness, helplessness, overwhelmed by everything.

Getting out of bed is a monumental effort.

All the sorrow of the world is pouring into me with no where else to go.

I curl up in the darkness, alone in infinite sadness.

Colours drain away, life turns grey.

There is no end.

Some days I am Piglet. Paralysed by an impending sense of doom.

Small, weak and powerless.

Worry engulfs me.

Trembling with panic, I cannot breathe.

Some days I am brave and I push through anyway.

Some days I am Pooh.

Humming a little tune as I help out a friend.

Enjoying a little something as I ponder my next adventure.

Silly old bear.

Some days I am nothing.

Dead eyes staring out from an empty shell.

Moving my body through the motions of life like some sick puppeteer.

help me.